Take Doodleoze To Entire New Level With The Club!


VIP Access To My Private Library Of Over 20,000 Doodle Images, AND 4,000 Background Videos

Hey it’s Andrew and I know you’re eager to get started with Doodleoze, but before you run off and start creating amazing videos, I need you to stop and pay close attention to this page.

I have a quick question for you.

How would you like a VIP access to my private library of over 20,000 doodle images, AND 4,000 background videos?

Many Of These Have Never Been
Shared To The General public.

4 Years Of Custom Design Work
& Tens Of Thousands In Investment

Quick Math – Total Of $60,000 In Real World Value.

Ok let’s do some quick math…Let’s start from 4,000 background videos.. these cost about $5 each. That’s 4,000 background videos that you can use in any part of your doodle videos and marketing.

4,000 videos x $5.. that’s $20,000. Then there is massive library of 20,000 doodle sketches. These cost us a little over $2 bucks each to make. Plus, each comes in SVG format so they will automatically have the most realistic draw path.

So that’s $2 per image. 20,000 images… x 2 per image…That’s $40,000 in true hard costs to create these over the last few years…

So let’s do a quick math recap. 4,000 video backgrounds worth $20,000. 20,000 doodle images with draw paths worth $40,000

That’s a total of $60,000 in real world value.

The Library That I Use For My Own
Internet marketing And Digital Marketing Business

Everything You Need
For Success With Doodle Videos

For more details click HERE

Comes with my 5 bonuses packs downloaded instantly

Feel completely free to contact me : walkingoffer@gmail.com

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